Samsung’s first 5G-powered smartphone is expected to carry a higher price tag in the United States than in South Korea. US mobile carrier Verizon said Thursday that it had begun preorders for the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, which will hit Verizon stores May 16. The 256 GB option costs $1,300 and the 512 GB option is $1,400. But in Korea, where the model became available April 5 after the rollout of 5G commercial services here, the 256 GB model costs about 1.39 million won ($1,205), with the 512 GB option going for 1.56 million won. The Galaxy S10 5G is Verizon’s second 5G phone -- after the Moto Z3 -- but the first to integrate 5G functionality into the hardware. The Z3 offers 5G capabilities only when used with a backpack-like accessory called the 5G Moto Mod. According to Verizon, the S10 5G will be available at its stores for a limited time. Each customer to place a preorder will get a free set of Galaxy Buds and a free Samsung Wireless Charging Battery Pack, the company said. While the processor and software are pretty much the same for all the S10 siblings, the 5G features a 6.7-inch AMOLED display, a 4,500-mAh battery and six camera lenses. By comparison, the S10 Plus features a 6.4-inch display, a 4,100 mAh battery and five camera lenses. |