The Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 and 730G were announced back in April 2019. Since then, the two SoCs have been featured in a number of key mid-range devices, including the Mi Note 10 Lite, POCO X2, Realme X2, Motorola One Fusion+, and the Google Pixel 4a. Most of these devices target the comfortable mid-range segment, or in some cases, the more premium mid-range offerings. Qualcomm is now refreshing the Snapdragon 730G SoC with a newer Snapdragon 732G SoC, promising even better performance. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G brings two key improvements over the Snapdragon 730G: a Prime core with higher clock speed (2.3GHz versus 2.2GHz) and a 15% improvement in the Adreno 618 GPU. Everything else remains the same as the Snapdragon 730G, which itself was a smaller gaming-centric improvement over the Snapdragon 730. Consequently, the Snapdragon 732G features 1x Kryo 470 “Prime” core clocked at up to 2.3GHz, 1x Kryo 470 “Performance” core clocked at up to 2.2GHz, and 6x Kryo 470 “Efficiency” cores clocked at up to 1.8GHz. The microarchitecture of the Prime and Performance cores are based on ARM’s Cortex-A76 design while the microarchitecture of the 6 Efficiency cores is based on ARM’s Cortex-A55 design. The SoC is fabricated on Samsung’s 8nm LPP process. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G also continues to feature several Snapdragon Elite Gaming features, just like the Snapdragon 730G. These features include Qualcomm Game Jank Reducer, Vulkan 1.1 Graphics Driver, True HDR, and anti-cheat extensions. There’s also the Spectra 350 Image Signal Processor with support for 4K HDR video capture, the 4th generation Qualcomm AI Engine with up to 3.6 TOPS, the Hexagon 688 DSP, Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ support, the Snapdragon X15 LTE Modem with support for 3-CA and 4×4 MIMO on two carriers, support for the Qualcomm FastConnect 6200 subsystem, and support for Qualcomm’s Aqstic audio codec, among other features. |