Smartphone launches in June 2021 in India came back on track after a short silence period in May with only a handful of launches. Smartphone manufacturers were Pretty much active and back to usual business in June 2021 which resulted in more than a dozen smartphone launches in India. The first phone to launch in the month of June 2021 was Infinix who unveiled the Note 10 series to take on the likes of Redmi and Realme. This was followed by iQoo who entered the mid-range space with its iQoo Z3 and Poco M3 Pro 5G was launched with a unique design and 5G on budget. OnePlus announced the Nord CE, it's cheapest phone in India in recent times with starting price of Rs 23,999. Vivo expanded its Y series with Vivo Y73 and also added Vivo V21e to the existing V21 series. Samsung's Galaxy M32 was launched on June 22 as its latest budget device while Xiaomi launched the sleekest phone of the year 一 the Mi 11 Lite. Lastly, Realme launches the much anticipated Realme Narzo 4G and 5G devices 一 the 4G variant is priced under Rs 15,000 while the 5G version costs a little over Rs 15,000. Also, the company announced two budget smartphones in the C series.