Samsung's new Exynos 2500 chip has been detailed in a leak by source @theonecid, suggesting that it could be featured in the Galaxy S25 series set to release next year. The Exynos 2500, with the model number s5e9955, is reported to include a 10-core CPU and the Xclipse 950 GPU, which is anticipated to be the next generation of Samsung's graphics processing units. The chip is also expected to come with 14GB of RAM and run on the Android 15 operating system, supporting a high-resolution display of 3200 x 1440 pixels.

According to the source, Samsung typically reserves its flagship Exynos chips for its Galaxy flagship models, leading to the speculation that the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25 Plus may still be equipped with the Exynos 2500. This contradicts previous rumors suggesting that Samsung's Galaxy S25 series might exclusively use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chips.

The leak also mentioned "ERD" in the "system name" category, which is believed to stand for "Exynos Reference Design." This could imply that the device in question is a testing platform for the Exynos 2500 SoC and may not necessarily be the Galaxy S25 series smartphone.

Samsung's continuous innovation in chip design and manufacturing showcases the company's efforts to maintain a competitive edge in the smartphone market, providing advanced processing capabilities for its devices. The Exynos 2500, if confirmed for the Galaxy S25 series, will further solidify Samsung's position in the high-end smartphone segment.